Restoring Your Home After a Disaster

Waterproofing Services To Get Your Home Ready For Snowmelt And Spring Rains

There are some areas of your home that are vulnerable to problems with water and moisture. These issues can cause severe damage that you want to prevent. Therefore, waterproofing is a good investment before seasons change and rains come. The following waterproofing services will help you get your home ready for snowmelt and spring rains.

Cleaning and Sealing Storm Canals

The storm canals protect homes from snowmelt and spring rains. They also get blocked with sediment, plants, and debris. Therefore, work that needs to be done before sealing them, including:

  • Clearing vegetation from the canal
  • Cleaning any sediments from the canals
  • Repairing any cracks and other damage

The canals need to be cleaned, and then they should be sealed. This will help protect them and allow more water to go to systems like rain collection.

Inspecting and Sealing Foundations

The foundation is another area where you need to update waterproofing. There are several things that need to be done when updating your foundation waterproofing, including:

  • Repairing structural damage to concrete
  • Excavating to expose waterproofing and drainage
  • Updating foundation drainage systems

The foundation waterproofing needs to be updated with durable materials and checked to ensure the drainage systems are working. These are things a waterproofing service can help with when doing other repairs.

Sealing Exterior Hardscaping  

The exterior of your home also has various hardscaping installations. These areas can be vulnerable to serious problems that cause stress at the foundation. Therefore, you want to seal these areas to help protect them from wear. Sealing hardscaping features, like paths, patios, and driveways, reduces issues with excess water draining to the foundation. This helps to stop the problems that cause waterproofing failure and structural damage.

Updating Drain Systems

There are also several areas where you may have drainage systems that need to be updated. To start, you want to inspect the drainage system that is part of the foundation waterproofing system. If it is outdated or decaying, it is a good idea to have it replaced when you have other repairs done to your home. There are also options, like installing landscaping drain pipes or an interior foundation drainage system. These are systems that will help protect your home from water and moisture damage — especially when it rains.

The waterproofing improvements are a great investment to get your home ready for spring. Contact a waterproofing service like Central Penn Waterproofing to have them update your home with these solutions.
